In this session, children will work together to explore your school grounds and decide on where best to plant your future crops.
This session aims to help children understand more about different types of soil and those that are best for growing, as well as getting their first crop in the ground!
Get your children active and moving with the fun outdoor gardening themed games included in this session! They'll also learn more about how to get their potatoes ready for planting.
In this session, children will be planting the beautiful flower nasturtium to take home as a gift for someone special, while also leaving some in your school grounds to bloom in the summer.
In this session your children will be given the opportunity to complete their assigned maintenance jobs in the garden as well as plant their chitted potatoes in the ground.
In this final session of your Spring 2 Gardening Club, your children will have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and harvest their first crop of radishes to try.
These crop cards are to be used in combination with your Spring 2 after school club gardening pack. They contain everything you need to be able to sow, grow and harvest successfully with your children in your school garden or grounds and are suitable to be used with children across the primary age range.