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Autumn Nature Club

Identifying seasonal berries

Session Aim: To have identified seasonal berries.

In this outdoor session, children will learn to identify autumn berries and begin to understand the risks and riches of foraging. They will be creative by designing artwork based on berry paint!


Exploring how trees and leaves change in autumn

Session Aim: To have explored how trees and leaves change in autumn.

Develop children’s understanding of the changes that occur for trees in autumn in this outdoor session. Deepen their knowledge of the reproductive cycles of trees, and enjoy an identification walk together to see what tree nuts and seeds you can find.


Learning about the migration of birds

Session Aim: To learn about the migration of birds in autumn.

The main activity of this outdoor session gives your children the opportunity to take part in a migration game to widen their knowledge of bird migration and deepen their understanding. This is an active session that will encourage your children to delve into the fascinating world of birds!


Creating leaf-themed pieces of art

Session Aim: To create leaf-themed pieces of land art and movement art.

Explore the colour and movement of autumn leaves in this active outdoor session. Develop children’s sense of awe and wonder through group experiences, and deepen their understanding of how the natural world changes in response to changes in the weather through the creation of leaf art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.


Exploring the changing daylight hours during autumn

Session Aim: To explore the changing daylight hours during autumn.

The main activity of this outdoor lesson encourages your children to get creative as they start to celebrate the autumn season by making autumnal lanterns. They will understand more about how daylight hours affect foraging of mammals too.


Celebrating what we’ve learned about autumn

Session Aim: To celebrate what we have learned about autumn.

In this magical outdoor session children will prepare for and carry out a celebration of autumn. Wearing crowns of leaves and surrounded by seasonal lanterns, children will reflect and share to bring a close to the autumn nature club.


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Mrs Davies

Amazing resources which have really helped our school be more confident in using the outdoor space to enhance the children's learning. Great, fun, easy to follow lesson plans, which link directly to the key objectives!

Sharon Taylan

The Alfresco planning hub is a fantastic resources with lesson that are easy to pick up and teach. I use them both as full lesson, lesson starters and intervention session for an LSA. Would highly recommend.

Karyn Weglarz

I am a member of the Planning Hub and I love the variety of lessons provided. Most lessons need only simple materials that I usually already have on hand. I love taking my students out with these lessons.

Amy McTague

Brilliant resources, easy to follow and adapt for learners, clear progression!

Laura Walton

The online planning hub is a lifesaver. I teach in KS1 and the children always ask when we are going outside and parents always say how excited the children are about their outdoor learning. It is exactly what I was looking for and have now been using it for several years. Thank you for such a brilliant resource!